
Karen Hall
2 min readOct 8, 2020

Of course, the MKATs are daunting, but under the cryptic veil of normalized pressure, she’s found they aren’t so bad. Presently, she’s working in a free clinic in one of the larger suburbs, studying on her days off. It’s not the human body that’s so difficult, nor even the human brain. It’s the mind of theirs. Some days it’s easier to imagine that she, Leah, is something completely other. An entity unto herself. No liver to worry about, no kidneys to quit on her, no joints or tendons stringing parts of her together just waiting to deteriorate. Closing her eyes, walking down an empty hallway — it’s easy to imagine herself as a being of pure…



Karen Hall

there are 2 types of people in this world and you are not one of them